Second AWSome Day in Geneva

June 12th, 2018 Amazon Web Services (AWS), SmartWave, Digicomp and SteelBlue welcomed 250 people for the second AWSomeday in Geneva.

Our second event co-organized with AWS team, the day started with a keynote on “AWS State of the Union” animated by Jim Fanning – Country Manager for Switzerland, Central & Eastern Europe at AWS.

Then, the rest of the day was broken into 2 tracks:

  • An AWSome Day Generic Track with presentation on AWS Basics, Infrastructure, Security (IAM) and Elasticity.
  • A Geneva dedicated Track with presentations and live demonstrations on:
    • Artificial Intelligence & Machine learning with AWS
    • DevOps and CICD with AWS Code Services
    • AWSome migration and operations in the cloud by SteelBlue
    • Developing with Serverless Application model (SAM)
    • IoT at the Edge with AWS Greengrass

In a convivial atmosphere, this second AWSomeday gave all the opportunity to meet and share with the fast growing community of AWS users in our region.

If you want to get AWSomeday presentations, all sessions are now available on demand:

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