OpenText Documentum 20.X : a journey to the cloud

Even if Documentum has always been considered as a major player on the ECM platforms market, it was not matching the cloud challenges their customer companies started to overcome for a while now. The last 20.X releases (aka CE or Cloud Edition) now bring a tangible answer to these cloud strategies by providing a modern and flexible architecture and quite a few enhancements in terms of user experience, integration, security capabilities and cost-cutting aspects.

1. Architecture and cost savings

Any cloud major alternative is now supported with the possibility to run it on an hyperscaler or through containerization. From a cost reduction perspective, PostgreSQL can be leveraged against more expensive database options, low cost storages such as Amazon S3 or Google ECFS are now supported and it is quite easy to build an optimal Pay As You Go strategy with the tools provided by the cloud vendors.


2. Improved user experience

Besides the historical D2 classic interface OpenText has introduced D2 SmartView since version 16.5, a more modern UI with responsive design. 20.X releases bring some enhancements to this interface with virtual document management, browser tree navigation, favorites, home cabinet, and drag and drop from the desktop. Tablet and smartphone usage have not been forgotten with D2 mobile where the end-user can now perform workflow task processing in addition to a few common viewing or editing operations on documents.

3. Integration capabilities

Two major axes have been privileged. On one hand, a tighter link has been built with Office 365. Content Connect enables direct creation and edition of documents from Word and Outlook (desktop or online) and the Documentum Connector for Sharepoint leverages the benefits of both systems within the organization. On the other hand, OpenText has brought some of its key portfolio products into the game to add AI/ML with Magellan and external sharing and collaboration with Core. One last point worth mentioning is related to monitoring aspects with the New Relicintegration gathering Documentum application data to assess performance and behavior flaws.

4. Security

In addition to the encryption possible at connection database and content storage level, OpenText has strengthened the Documentum platform by introducing the support of TLS 1.3 protocol and SHA3 algorithm. And the platform itself is now analyzed with some widely recognized penetration tests and security scans such as Fortify, Qualsys, BURP and Blackduck before being released to the market.

We have always strived at SmartWave for offering the best possible ECM experience to our customers and this new release now allow us to propose the right approach to the right context. Feel free to contact us if you want to know more.

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